Get Involved
Winter Break: Sunday Night Worship Resumes January 19
Cultivating faith through spiritual disciplines​​​
Time: Mondays 6:00pm
Location: LFC Campus Center, 1909 University Avenue
Leaders: Anna Jo Bundy, Branden Smith
Walking together through Spanish-based Bible study and doing life together
Time: Tuesdays 7:00pm
Leaders: Michael Espinoza, Monica Garza
A group that learns about and shares viewpoints on difficult questions surrounding God, faith, and life
Time: Thursdays 5:00pm
Leaders: Reece Mathew, Yani Ayala
​An opportunity for freshmen and first year students to build a community and experience UT and Austin life​​
Time: Thursdays 7:00pm
Leaders: Mackenna Ervin, Alex Grooms, Madison Palmer